Instructor: Malcolm Holmes

Malcolm Holmes
Malcolm has practiced meditation for some 30 years. In this time, he has complimented his meditation with a range of physical practices, including Contact Improvisation dance. Over the last five years, he has been practicing Shaolin Kung Fu, and more recently Yan Shou Gong.
I first discovered the martial arts in the late 1980s, when I began practicing Nanbudo. I was deeply drawn to the idea of “self perfection”, and the possibility of both physical, and inner “perfection”, although I had practically no idea what that meant!
I was soon drawn more to the inner question, learning to meditate and becoming a Buddhist - being ordained into a Buddhist Order in 2000. I have taught meditation since the early 1990s.
During the ensuing years, I saw the way that the physical and the inner are interlinked - our inner experience is fundamentally impacted by our physical form, and hence re-engaged with the martial arts, starting Kung Fu in 2019. Recognising that there was an opportunity to bring the two interests closer together, I began exploring Nei Gong. I was introduced to Yan Shou Gong and have been delighting in its effectiveness, enjoying the extent to which it impacts not only on my meditation practice, but also on my daily life.
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